Three Strate­gies On Inte­grat­ing New Tech­nolo­gies Into Your Func­tion­al Fit­ness Club

Cur­rent­ly, much dis­cus­sion is tak­ing place about how the “quan­ti­fied self” move­ment is reshap­ing the fit­ness and health indus­try. In this post, we intro­duce three strate­gies on how to inte­grate new tech­nolo­gies into your fit­ness and health club.

In our last post, we dis­cussed the “quan­ti­fied self” move­ment and how the fit­ness and health indus­try can ben­e­fit from people’s urges to track themselves. 

Although the advan­tages of fit­ness and health clubs are quite dis­tinct, how clubs inte­grate these new tech­nolo­gies into their facil­i­ties might not be as straight­for­ward. That’s why we’ve come up with three strate­gies on how to incor­po­rate new tech­nolo­gies into your fit­ness and health club.

1. Sell Wear­able Fit­ness Devices And Pro­vide Edu­ca­tion­al Services

Even though many peo­ple are still reluc­tant to embrace fit­ness track­ers, they are a tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ment that is here to stay. That’s why it is a pru­dent idea for fit­ness entre­pre­neurs to start think­ing about ways to inte­grate them into their busi­ness mod­el. Although mere­ly sell­ing them to your mem­bers is one effec­tive way of inte­gra­tion, there are many oth­er options.

For exam­ple, we know that the pop­u­lar­i­ty of using “wear­ables” has increased dra­mat­i­cal­ly in recent years, but many users have no idea how to inter­pret the data they col­lect. As a fit­ness spe­cial­ist, you are in a unique posi­tion to pro­vide edu­ca­tion about how to use and inter­pret data col­lect­ed by fit­ness soft­ware. So why not offer class­es that help your mem­bers use their wear­able fit­ness devices effectively?

An Exam­ple of a poten­tial class that you could offer is “Wear­ables 101 — what the num­bers real­ly mean”. You could opt for a more fit­ness goal-ori­ent­ed ver­sion, in which you work on defin­ing mea­sur­able and attain­able fit­ness goals. No mat­ter what you decide, adapt­ing to tech­no­log­i­cal change is para­mount to make your busi­ness stand out.

2. Cre­ate or buy a fit­ness app for your club

Anoth­er option that will help you cap­i­tal­ize on the “quan­ti­fied self “move­ment is to cre­ate or pur­chase fit­ness soft­ware in the form of an app for your func­tion­al fit­ness club. Depend­ing on which func­tions you choose to inte­grate, this app will enable your mem­bers to track their work­outs, log the foods they eat, and see if they are reach­ing their fit­ness and health goals. An app can also change the way you com­mu­ni­cate with your clients, as dig­i­tal noti­fi­ca­tions allow you to con­tact them at any time. Fur­ther, sign­ing into your club or book­ing class­es becomes even more con­ve­nient for your members.

Cre­at­ing or buy­ing a cus­tom app for your club has many oth­er ben­e­fits than just the abil­i­ty to self-track.

3. Offer Data-Dri­ven Workouts

3. Offer Data-Dri­ven Workouts

Data-dri­ven “smart train­ing” pro­grams are cur­rent­ly rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the fit­ness indus­try. That’s why data-dri­ven work­outs are the best option to not only stay rel­e­vant as a fit­ness club but also to join in on the “quan­ti­fied self” move­ment and reap its rewards. Offer­ing ser­vices such as quan­tifi­able func­tion­al exer­cise rou­tines, cus­tomized func­tion­al work­outs, and pro­found insights into your clients’ fit­ness progress will set your busi­ness apart from your com­pe­ti­tion and improve your clients’ over­all expe­ri­ence with your club. After all, who wouldn’t want tai­lor-made work­outs and quan­tifi­able func­tion­al fit­ness solutions?


Sum­ma­ry: Three Strate­gies to Inte­grate New Tech­nolo­gies in Func­tion­al Fit­ness and Health Clubs

  1. Sell wear­able fit­ness devices and pro­vide education
  2. Cre­ate or buy  fit­ness soft­ware in the form of an app for your club
  3. Offer data-dri­ven func­tion­al train­ing programs


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