Estab­lished mar­ket know-how meets start-up dynamics

Pix­for­mance Sports GmbH is still a 100% own­er-man­aged com­pa­ny char­ac­ter­ized by short coör­di­na­tion paths, high prod­uct qual­i­ty, and tire­less inno­va­tion. 

Our founder and CEO is Valerie Bures-Bön­ström. As a moth­er of three and a com­put­er sci­en­tist, she has been one of Germany’s most suc­cess­ful entre­pre­neurs for years. As recent­ly as 2021, she was named one of the 50 most influ­en­tial women in the Ger­man tech scene by Han­dels­blatt. In 2012, she launched the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, the first dig­i­tal device for func­tion­al train­ing with motion analy­sis. Today, our dig­i­tal train­ing sta­tion is already suc­cess­ful­ly in use in over 600 fit­ness, rehab, and health facil­i­ties and has over 450,000 exer­cis­ers worldwide. 

Togeth­er with Ste­fanie Graf, Valerie is also co-founder of the fran­chise com­pa­ny Mrs.Sporty and founder of the start-up behind the VAHA brand, an inter­ac­tive fit­ness solu­tion for the home, which has already received an invest­ment in the dou­ble-dig­it mil­lions. Thus, Pix­for­mance com­bines long-stand­ing mar­ket exper­tise with lived start-up agili­ty, dis­tin­guished by a tena­cious dri­ve for inno­va­tion, a team will­ing to take risks, short­ened process­es, and a tru­ly per­son­al cus­tomer service.


Our suc­cess is based on years of expe­ri­ence as well as our inno­v­a­tive capac­i­ty. We rely on our fear­less, pas­sion­ate, and vision­ary man­age­ment board con­sist­ing of devel­op­ers, design­ers, con­sul­tants, mar­keters, and finan­cial ser­vices experts.

Valerie Bures-Bönström

Valerie Bures-Bön­ström



Tobias Baader

Tobias Baad­er



Davi Wazlawick

Davi Wazlaw­ick

Direc­tor of Growth

Fran Hackett

Fran Hack­ett

CEO & Pres­i­dent USA

Fabio Manes

Fabio Manes

Sales Direc­tor DACH

Patricia Olear

Patri­cia Olear

Senior Mar­ket­ing Manager

Laura Alves

Lau­ra Alves

Senior Man­ag­er Ser­vice & Support

Sarah Zender

Sarah Zen­der

Finance Man­ag­er

Rebecca Göhrt

Rebec­ca Göhrt

Tech­ni­cal Ser­vice Manager

Bita Mohammadi

Bita Moham­ma­di

C++ Soft­ware Developer