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The sports & phys­i­cal ther­a­py con­cept for health busi­ness owners

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More Infor­ma­tion

Boost Effi­cien­cy and Rev­enue with Pixformance

👩‍⚕️ Stream­line Staff Effi­cien­cy and Cov­er Staffing Gaps
🚀 Boost Patient Through­put and Min­i­mize Wait Times
📈 Dri­ve Rev­enue Growth and Unlock Cash-Pay Opportunities



Frau trainiert ihre Schultern an der digitalen Pixformance Station für Funktionelles Training
Frau trainiert ihre Schultern an der digitalen Pixformance Station für Funktionelles Training

Intro­duc­ing Our 360° Pix­for­mance Con­cept, that Includes:

  • The Pix­for­mance Station
  • Online Plat­form
  • Ded­i­cat­ed App

Deliv­er­ing real-time feed­back, pre­cise motion analy­sis, and per­son­al­ized train­ing plans, enhanc­ing reha­bil­i­ta­tion, mobil­i­ty, and per­for­mance out­comes for every patient.

Key fea­tures include:

  • Real-time Motion Feedback
  • 500+ func­tion­al exercises
  • Com­pact design, requir­ing only 65 ft²
  • Class 2 Cer­ti­fied Med­ical Equipment
Pixformance 360 Grad Konzept, Pixformance Station, Pixformance Online Plattform, Pixformance App

» With Pix we are increas­ing our tech­nol­o­gy to enhance cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Change need­ed to occur in the indus­try, and I’m going to keep build­ing the change. Visu­al aids and prop­er track­ing will be the future of our phys­i­cal ther­a­py company! «

John Dohan­ic, Own­er
APT Aquat­ic Per­for­mance Train­ing, Mon­roe & Hamil­ton, NJ

» Pix­for­mance has com­plete­ly trans­formed the way we approach phys­i­cal ther­a­py. Our patients love the inter­ac­tive ses­sions, and our ther­a­pists appre­ci­ate the effi­cien­cy it brings to their dai­ly rou­tines – like hav­ing an extra team mem­ber who nev­er miss­es a beat. We are man­ag­ing more patients at once, all with­out com­pro­mis­ing on qual­i­ty. «

David Felipe, Phys­i­cal Ther­a­py Lead
SFR Phys­i­cal Ther­a­py, Mia­mi, FL

Patrick Chedmail Manual Therapy Lead Omnia Lifestyle London

» Pix­for­mance does save time as to client’s assis­tance free­ing ther­a­pist time for oth­er things. It has def­i­nite­ly been an asset to our prac­tice, as it has freed up our ther­a­pists’ time, allow­ing them to focus on pro­vid­ing more per­son­alised care. Our clients tru­ly enjoy the help­ful and watch­ful eye of the dig­i­tal PT. «

Patrick Ched­mail, Man­u­al Ther­a­py Lead
Omnia Lifestyle Ltd., Lon­don, UK