Cor­po­rate health management

We make your team
Stronger, Bet­ter, and More efficient.

Pix­for­mance is an inno­v­a­tive solu­tion for effec­tive cor­po­rate fit­ness man­age­ment and holis­tic health pro­mo­tion – with indi­vid­ual train­ing for each employee.

Cor­po­rate health

We make your team
Stronger, Bet­ter, More efficient

Pix­for­mance is an inno­v­a­tive solu­tion for effec­tive cor­po­rate fit­ness man­age­ment and holis­tic health pro­mo­tion – with indi­vid­ual train­ing for each employee.

Just like a trainer

Pix­for­mance has rev­o­lu­tion­ized func­tion­al train­ing. The patent­ed Pix­for­mance Sta­tion instant­ly mea­sures the body of each trainee based on 25 joint points, pre­cise­ly ana­lyzes the exe­cu­tion of move­ments, and gives real time dig­i­tal feed­back. These fea­tures enable effec­tive and safe func­tion­al training.

The advan­tage: real-time cor­rec­tion allows your employ­ees to com­plete super­vised train­ing – with­out the pres­ence of a train­er. This makes func­tion­al train­ing with Pix­for­mance even more effective.

Vir­tu­al per­son­al training

The Pix­for­mance Sta­tion pro­vides con­tin­u­ous guid­ance on the accu­ra­cy, pace, and pre­ci­sion of employee’s exer­cise rou­tines. This pro­vides the same secu­ri­ty of a func­tion­al work­out super­vised by a per­son­al trainer.

Sim­ple exer­cise instructions.

The trainee posi­tions him­self in front of the Pix­for­mance sta­tion and the exer­cise is demon­strat­ed on-screen by a trainer.

Pre­cise motion analysis.

Dur­ing the exer­cise, a cam­era with a built-in depth sen­sor scans 25 joint points of the trainee with­in sec­onds and ana­lyzes their movements.

Feed­back in real time.

The vir­tu­al train­er gives real time feed­back. This ensures that the exer­cis­es are per­formed cor­rect­ly and safe­ly like under the guid­ance of a per­son­al trainer.

Sim­ple exer­cise instructions

The trainee posi­tions them self in front of the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion and the exer­cise to be per­formed is demon­strat­ed on-screen by a vir­tu­al trainer.


Pre­cise motion analysis

Dur­ing the exer­cise, a cam­era with a built-in depth sen­sor scans 25 joint points of the trainee with­in sec­onds and ana­lyzes the movements.


Feed­back in real time

The vir­tu­al train­er gives feed­back in real time. This ensures that the exer­cis­es are car­ried out cor­rect­ly and safe­ly – just like with a real trainer.


Most employ­ees wish their com­pa­ny would pro­vide sports facil­i­ties. Pix­for­mance, as a func­tion­al train­ing con­cept for cor­po­rate fit­ness, offers many advan­tages over con­ven­tion­al cor­po­rate health approaches.


Tax deductable.

Cor­po­rate fit­ness is tax deductable. A com­pa­ny can invest up to 500 Dol­lar per employ­ee per year that can be deduct­ed from your tax returns.

Employ­ee retention.

In times when there is a short­age of skilled work­ers and a high fluc­tu­a­tion rate through­out many indus­tries, a mod­ern fit­ness set­up can encour­age long-term employ­ee retention.


Employ­er branding.

The inno­v­a­tive Pix­for­mance sports con­cept not only has a pos­i­tive effect on employ­ees, but also height­ens your company’s attrac­tive­ness. This makes your  busi­ness more appeal­ing to poten­tial employees.

Less absen­teeism and low­er costs.

Employ­ees who engage in sports activ­i­ties miss an aver­age of 2 to 6 few­er work­ing days  per year. Com­pa­nies can also reduce health­care  costs with the func­tion­al train­ing pro­vid­ed by Pixformance.


More flex­i­bil­i­ty and training.

The com­put­er-aid­ed Pix­for­mance func­tion­al train­ing con­cept allows sev­er­al employ­ees to be sup­port­ed simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and with­out a trainer.

No admin­is­tra­tive cost.

On the Online Plat­form, employ­ees can inde­pen­dent­ly com­pile their own train­ing plans from a cat­a­log of more than 350 func­tion­al exercises.

Sched­ule a call or ask us a question

Your Contact Person

Your Con­tact Person

Ruth Green­berg | Direc­tor US

Sched­ule a call or ask us a question


We offer solu­tions to com­pa­nies in var­i­ous stages of devel­op­ment. Togeth­er with you, we work out a con­cept that reflects your require­ments and is pre­cise­ly tai­lored to your needs.


With the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, employ­ees can have cus­tomized func­tion­al fit­ness work­outs with a vir­tu­al train­er anytime.


BETWEEN: The Pix­for­mance Sta­tion is set up eas­i­ly in offices and fea­tures a pre-installed train­ing pro­gram. This means that it is also pos­si­ble to train – with­out a train­er – in office dur­ing work breaks.

INTENSIVE: The trainee receives cus­tomized func­tion­al train­ing from a coach and is com­pe­tent­ly instruct­ed dur­ing work­outs. The sta­tion is reserved by the trainee via a book­ing tool for the time win­dow of their choice. The train­er checks the train­ing results on the online plat­form at reg­u­lar inter­vals (approx. once a month) and adapts the train­ing to achieve the desired devel­op­ment deter­mined through per­son­al discussions.

SUPPLEMENTARY: The Pix­for­mance sta­tion can be used as an addi­tion to exist­ing fit­ness spaces and equiptment.

  • Required space: Approx. 65 sq ft
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Cam­era: 2D Full HD
  • Com­put­er and screen: Can be switched on and off separately
  • Touch-Screen: 49 inch touch dis­play, stan­dard exer­cis­es and train­ing pro­grams direct­ly selec­table via touch
  • Train­ing dis­tance: Approx. 5′3″ – 7′6″ to train­er 3′3″ – 4′11″ to each side (depend­ing on exercise)
  • Frame­work con­di­tions: Pow­er con­nec­tion and Inter­net con­nec­tion (Eth­er­net, Wifi Router)
  • Equip­ment: Many exer­cis­es can be car­ried out with equip­ment (e.g. small dumb­bells, med­i­cine balls, gym­nas­tics ball, gym­nas­tics band, stick, etc.). Train­ing with­out equip­ment is also possible
  • Func­tion­al­i­ty: Every exer­cise or train­ing pro­gram is assigned to a QR code. We pro­vide you with an unlim­it­ed num­ber of QR codes to use the sta­tion. Every user has the pos­si­bil­i­ty to train at any time with a pre-pro­grammed or per­son­al­ized train­ing pro­gram at a free­stand­ing station


  • An inno­v­a­tive concept
  • Can also be inte­grat­ed into small­er offices
  • The feed­back func­tion enables employ­ees to com­plete super­vised train­ing – even with­out a train­er offer­ing 1:1 supervision
  • Every employ­ee has the pos­si­bil­i­ty to train at any time with a pre-pro­grammed or a per­son­al train­ing pro­gram at a free­stand­ing station


 With the instal­la­tion of 3 Pix­for­mance Sta­tions, cir­cuit train­ing is pos­si­ble for small groups like in any sports and fit­ness club.


INTENSIVE: The trainee receives cus­tomized Pix­for­mance train­ing from a train­er and is intro­duced to the train­ing with Pix­for­mance. The sta­tion is reserved by the employ­ee via a book­ing tool for the time win­dow. The train­er checks the train­ing results on the online plat­form at reg­u­lar inter­vals (approx. once a month) and adapts the train­ing to the train­ing devel­op­ment in per­son­al discussions.

GROUP TRAINING: Super­vised group train­ing with six peo­ple and one train­er is already pos­si­ble with three Pix­for­mance sta­tions and three inter­me­di­ate sta­tions (e.g. mat, stepper).

  • Required space: Approx. 65 sq ft, var­i­ous arrange­ment options pos­si­ble depend­ing on the room sit­u­a­tion (e.g. row, cir­cle, star)
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Cam­era: 2D Full HD
  • Com­put­er and screen: Can be switched on and off separately
  • Touch-Screen: 49 inch touch dis­play, stan­dard exer­cis­es and train­ing pro­grams direct­ly selec­table via touch
  • Train­ing dis­tance: Approx. 5′3″ – 7′6″ to train­er 3′3″ – 4′11″ to each side (depend­ing on exercise)
  • Frame­work con­di­tions: Pow­er con­nec­tion and Inter­net con­nec­tion (Eth­er­net, no WLAN)
  • Equip­ment: Many exer­cis­es can be car­ried out with equip­ment (e.g. small dumb­bells, med­i­cine balls, gym­nas­tics ball, gym­nas­tics band, stick, etc.). Train­ing with­out equip­ment is also possible
  • Func­tion­al­i­ty: Every exer­cise or train­ing pro­gram is assigned to a QR code. We pro­vide you with an unlim­it­ed num­ber of QR codes to use the sta­tion. Every user has the pos­si­bil­i­ty to train at any time with a pre-pro­grammed or per­son­al­ized train­ing pro­gram at a free­stand­ing station


  • An inno­v­a­tive concept
  • Team­build­ing in group training
  • Indi­vid­ual sup­port and tai­lor-made train­ing plans, also in groups


Through real-time feed­back, employ­ees can improve their coör­di­na­tion, strength, con­di­tion­ing, and mobil­i­ty through­out their whole body with a vir­tu­al train­er. These ben­e­fits pro­vid­ed by Pix­for­mance pro­motes employ­ee pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and concentration.

Less stress, more flexibility.

Too many meet­ings and too lit­tle time? Employ­ees ben­e­fit from the pos­si­bil­i­ty to train safe­ly, flex­i­bly, and inde­pen­dent­ly – even unattended.


Team spir­it, moti­va­tion and fun.

Above all, group train­ing increas­es moti­va­tion and com­mu­ni­ty spir­it; it pro­motes the health, per­for­mance, and sat­is­fac­tion of employees.


Com­pre­hen­si­ble results.

Tai­lor-made work­outs can be tracked and adapt­ed for every fit­ness lev­el and age in just a few sim­ple steps.

Your easy start – our strong service

Behind every strong prod­uct is even more vital cus­tomer sup­port. Our moti­vat­ed team puts a lot of heart and soul into hon­est advice and first-class ser­vice every day.


Per­son­al con­sult­ing and training

We advise you indi­vid­u­al­ly, start­ing with the plan­ning of the rooms, through the instal­la­tion of the nec­es­sary equip­ment, to the opti­mal train­ing con­trol. With a Pix­for­mance intro­duc­to­ry course at your premis­es, you will also receive com­pre­hen­sive instruc­tion on how the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion works and how to use the online platform.

Hard- and soft­ware support

If hard­ware prob­lems occur (cam­era, sen­sor, com­put­er, or screen), we will pro­vide you with the spare parts. Also in case of soft­ware prob­lems our sup­port team is always there for you by phone. By the way, auto­mat­ic updates for the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, new work­outs, and updates on the Pix­for­mance online plat­form are part of our ser­vice and are avail­able to you free of charge.

Com­plete 360° mar­ket­ing package

As our cus­tomer you’ve got access to your mar­ket­ing pack­age for print and web, with free down­loads and much more. With your cus­tomized mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als, you can assure an easy start for your com­pa­ny and let your employ­ees know about the new train­ing con­cept you are offer­ing. Ask us!


Whether pur­chas­ing or leas­ing, you can struc­ture the financ­ing indi­vid­u­al­ly. We will advise and sup­port you right from the start. Call us with­out oblig­a­tion or write to us and find out, how you can start with Pix­for­mance already from $99 per month.

FAQ | Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about our train­ing concept.