FAQ — Func­tion­al train­ing
with the Pix­for­mance station

What do I have to con­sid­er when acquir­ing a Pix­for­mance Station?

with pix­for­mance

What do I have to con­sid­er when acquir­ing a Pix­for­mance Station?

Is the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion suit­able for my institution?

With more than 450,000 trainees every year, Pix­for­mance is already used in func­tion­al fit­ness clubs, phys­io­ther­a­py prac­tices, and reha­bil­i­ta­tion clinics.

We design the right health pro­gram for your facil­i­ty accord­ing to your wish­es and require­ments – from the ini­tial plan­ning of the rooms, to the instal­la­tion of the nec­es­sary equip­ment, and the main­tain­ing of opti­mal train­ing control.

Your per­son­al con­sul­tant will accom­pa­ny you on your jour­ney to suc­cess and will make Pix­for­mance the per­fect func­tion­al fit­ness solu­tion for you.

Was the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion designed to replace real life trainers?

Pix­for­mance is not com­pet­ing with per­son­al train­ers or therapists.Instead, it pro­vides  com­ple­men­tary sup­port for per­son­al train­ers and ther­a­pists. It offers an effi­cient and intel­li­gent way to train  and allows you to offer opti­mal mem­ber care.

Our vir­tu­al train­er, with its live feed­back, allows the trainees to train inde­pen­dent­ly, with­out human super­vi­sion. This allows one per­son­al train­er to train sev­er­al peo­ple at the same time. Nev­er­the­less, a vir­tu­al train­er can­not replace the per­son­al care and atten­tion of a human trainer.

What are the dimen­sions of a Pix­for­mance Station?

The dimen­sions are 128,5 cm x 76 cm x 50,0 cm

Die Pixformance Station 2.0 ist 76 cm breit, 50 cm tief und 128,5 cm hoch.

How much space do I need for train­ing on a Pix­for­mance Station?

The dis­tance to the device is approx. 1.60 m to 2.30 m from the user and 1.0 m to 1.5 m to each side.

Der Abstand zum Trainierenden von der Pixformance Station 2.0 sollte 1,60 - 2,30 m betragen. Zudem sollte zu jeder Seite 1,0 bis 1,5 m Platz sein.

Not enough space in your insti­tu­tion? We can pro­vide an indi­vid­ual solu­tion tai­lored to your requirements.

Does the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion work with Wifi?

The Pix­for­mance Sta­tion itself can­not be con­nect­ed to Wifi. A per­ma­nent con­nec­tion from the sta­tion to the Inter­net via LAN cable is required. How­ev­er – if you can­not con­nect the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion direct­ly to the LAN net­work, it is pos­si­ble to estab­lish an Inter­net con­nec­tion using a Wifi repeater/​mobile router with an inte­grat­ed LAN sock­et to con­nect the station.

What are the loca­tion con­di­tions to use a Pix­for­mance Station?

The Sta­tion can only be oper­at­ed indoors.

Your func­tion­al train­ing sur­face should be lev­eled, non-vibrat­ing, and non-reflecting.

In order for the cam­era to work opti­mal­ly, avoid direct sun­light and frontal inci­dence of light on it.

Is there hard and soft­ware sup­port after acquir­ing a Pix­for­mance Station?

Should hard­ware prob­lems occur (cam­era, sen­sor, com­put­er or screen), we will pro­vide you with the spare parts. Also in case of soft­ware prob­lems, our sup­port team is always there for you by telephone.

Auto­mat­ic updates for the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, new work­outs, and updates on the Pix­for­mance online plat­form are all part of our ser­vice and are avail­able to you free of charge.

let us advise you

Some­times it is eas­i­er to answer ques­tions in per­son. We are look­ing for­ward to your message!

Let us advise you

Some­times it is eas­i­er to answer ques­tions in per­son. We are look­ing for­ward to your message!