Pix­for­mance And Mrs.Sporty – Evo­lu­tion of a fit­ness chain through dig­i­tal, func­tion­al training

Mrs.Sporty Stu­dio in Vien­na, Austria


The suc­cess­ful wom­en’s fit­ness chain Mrs.Sporty intro­duced Pix­for­mance for its more than 200,000 mem­bers through­out Europe

In the process, steadi­ly grow­ing mem­ber­ship num­bers and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion were observed. Learn how Pix­for­mance ensures Mrs.Sporty’s com­pet­i­tive leadership.

As an entre­pre­neur, I like to invest in my com­pa­ny to remain suc­cess­ful at all times. My main con­cern is that I recov­er the cap­i­tal invest­ed very quick­ly. With sev­en Pix­for­mance machines in my club, I recov­ered the entire invest­ment with­in three months.”

Carina Dworak

Cari­na Dworak

Own­er of a Mrs.Sporty Stu­dio in Vienna

Cari­na Dworak con­tin­ues: “The func­tion­al train­ing at Pix­for­mance is ide­al and opti­mal for all mem­bers. My youngest mem­ber in the club is 18 years old, my old­est mem­ber is 93 years old, and all of them can indi­vid­u­al­ly train their exer­cis­es great.

By switch­ing to Pix­for­mance train­ing, our clubs are gain­ing on aver­age twice as many mem­bers in the first few months than before the switch. After six months, the clubs have about 3,000 euros more turnover with, on aver­age, addi­tion­al costs of 1,000 euros.

The con­ver­sion of the clubs ulti­mate­ly to Pix­for­mance offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to win back for­mer mem­bers who are eager to rejoin due to the change in train­ing and open­ing hours.

In my club, Pix­for­mance has increased the qual­i­ty of train­ing tremen­dous­ly. There is an equal qual­i­ty through the plat­form, whether a train­er has start­ed rel­a­tive­ly recent­ly or is new to the club or has had the train­ing expe­ri­ence for many years. What the plat­form pro­vides gives me the con­fi­dence for the mem­bers that there is a pret­ty con­sis­tent qual­i­ty being provided.” 

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She also empha­sizes: “The longer and more flex­i­ble open­ing hours and, above all, the vari­ety that Pix­for­mance now offers our mem­bers has also increased mem­ber loy­al­ty enor­mous­ly. On the one hand, mem­bers now enjoy see­ing their results in black and white, as the train­ing is also vis­i­ble through the plat­form. On the oth­er hand, depend­ing on how advanced the train­ing suc­cess­es are, we can cre­ate new exer­cis­es and pro­grams. I also notice again and again that this moti­vates me com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent­ly — like when I buy new run­ning shoes.

When new mem­bers have a new train­ing pro­gram, they are euphor­ic and look for­ward to this new train­ing. The women also come much more reg­u­lar­ly. Typ­i­cal­ly, women come about two to three times a week, but we also have many women who come three to four times a week, or even five times a week, because they can always add the week­end, which makes the price-per­for­mance ratio fantastic.

The advan­tage of Pix­for­mance for the Mrs.Sporty Clubs is clear­ly to be able to offer an even more suc­cess­ful train­ing con­cept in the future.”

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