A gym invest­ment that pays off – Pix­for­mance as a cus­tomer magnet

Fit­nessstu­dio Essink Sport­cen­trum, Eind­hoven, Netherlands


Spe­cial insights into the Pix­for­mance con­cept – from the per­spec­tive of the own­er, a per­son­al train­er, and two members

Kim Essink, Owner:

We delib­er­ate­ly chose Pix­for­mance because we also saw it as a way to quick­ly recoup our invest­ed cap­i­tal. We got to know the Pix­for­mance con­cept at FIBO — one of the largest fit­ness trade shows in the world. It caught our eye there because it won the Inno­va­tion Award. We were imme­di­ate­ly impressed, so we decid­ed to invest in the Pix­for­mance stations.”

Kim Essink

Kim Essink

Own­er of the fit­nessstu­dio Essink Sport­cen­trum, Eindhoven

Kim Essink con­tin­ues: “The feed­back we get from our cus­tomers is main­ly: “It offers much vari­ety” and “The exer­cis­es are fun and chal­leng­ing.” That is what our mem­bers want and what they need to stay moti­vat­ed. Pix­for­mance offers them all of that. So the reac­tions are con­sis­tent­ly pos­i­tive. We also find that our cus­tomers have trained with the Pix­for­mance con­cept for a long time and are not quick to look for anoth­er train­ing method.

With Pix­for­mance, you can also see your results on the screen after train­ing. These are then occa­sion­al­ly dis­cussed with us train­ers. For exam­ple, when users see on-screen that they have improved from 60% to 80%, this pro­vides sat­is­fac­tion and addi­tion­al moti­va­tion. This vis­i­ble and tan­gi­ble progress gives them a good feeling.

We also chose Pix­for­mance because it is a worth­while invest­ment for us because we offer the use of the sta­tions to our mem­bers at an addi­tion­al cost.

So those who want to make use of Pix­for­mance pay a small addi­tion­al fee per month.

In return, these mem­bers are allowed to use the cir­cle and our com­pan­ion offer. In this way, we have recov­ered the invest­ed cap­i­tal quite quick­ly. In addi­tion, we were able to recruit many new mem­bers thanks to Pix­for­mance. So the invest­ment has paid off for us.”

Kims High­lights:

  • Recoup invest­ment easily
  • Pix­for­mance ensures high mem­ber retention
  • New mem­bers thanks to Pixformance
Sil Hoving

Sil Hov­ing

Per­son­al Train­er at Essink Sportcentrum

I do not see Pix­for­mance as a com­pe­ti­tion for train­ers, but as a sup­port. It is a very effi­cient and intel­li­gent way to train opti­mal­ly. It is great that ath­letes get visu­al feed­back through the screen as well as feed­back from a coach. When a screen sup­ports, you learn to per­form the move­ments cor­rect­ly. This pre­vents injuries dur­ing sports.”

Two digital Pixformance training stations with real-time visual feedback

Sils High­lights:

  • Pix­for­mance sup­ports the trainer
  • I can com­pile train­ing plans individually
  • It is imme­di­ate­ly appar­ent whether an exer­cise has been per­formed cor­rect­ly or not

In addi­tion, Sil says: “We can put togeth­er the train­ing plans for our mem­bers in dif­fer­ent ways. Pix­for­mance also offers some pre-pro­grammed plans. Fur­ther­more, as per­son­al train­ers, we can also add addi­tion­al plans or cus­tomize exist­ing ones for the spe­cif­ic ath­lete. For exam­ple, if some­one has a shoul­der or knee injury or wants to focus on a spe­cif­ic area of the body, we can cus­tomize their train­ing plan. This way, every­one trains opti­mal­ly towards their per­son­al goal.

I like work­ing with Pix­for­mance so far. It is excel­lent to accom­pa­ny our mem­bers so pro­fes­sion­al­ly while they choose what and how they want to train. The fact that the exer­cis­es are always shown on the screen, and the users them­selves can see what they are doing right or wrong is fun­da­men­tal. This way, users get per­ma­nent guid­ance — and it is eas­i­er for us train­ers to give addi­tion­al instruc­tions. Also, you are more con­cen­trat­ed and less dis­tract­ed by oth­er things. So my expe­ri­ence has been very positive.”


What mem­bers say

I have been doing sports for quite a long time, but I nev­er liked fit­ness. With Pix­for­mance, for the first time, I have found a con­cept that makes me hap­py. I notice a huge dif­fer­ence even after the short time I have been train­ing here. That makes me very hap­py. So Pix­for­mance offers me many advan­tages. I think it is great to be able to look at my results after every work­out. That way, you can watch your progress and check whether and to what extent you have improved. That is very motivating.”

Sylvia Beerens

Sylvia Beerens

Com­mer­cial Clerk

Sylvia Beerens

Sylvia Beerens

Com­mer­cial Clerk

I have been doing sports for quite a long time, but I nev­er liked fit­ness. With Pix­for­mance, for the first time, I have found a con­cept that makes me hap­py. I notice a huge dif­fer­ence even after the short time I have been train­ing here. That makes me very hap­py. So Pix­for­mance offers me many advan­tages. I think it is great to be able to look at my results after every work­out. That way, you can watch your progress and check whether and to what extent you have improved. That is very motivating.”

Huub Janssen

Huub Janssen


The great thing about Pix­for­mance is that there is always a per­son­al train­er present. You always get feed­back and are always shown whether you are doing an exer­cise cor­rect­ly or not. I used to box pro­fes­sion­al­ly for about 15 years. So I am quite used to train­ing and know how it works. How­ev­er, I have been using Pix­for­mance for a few months now and real­ize that it allows me to train injury-free.”

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