Inno­v­a­tive, dig­i­tal reha­bil­i­ta­tion devices

Increase Patient Through­put & Relieve Your Therapists

The Pix­for­mance Sta­tion stands at the fore­front of reha­bil­i­ta­tion tech­nol­o­gy, specif­i­cal­ly engi­neered to enhance the oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy of ther­a­pists in deliv­er­ing move­ment ther­a­py. This inno­v­a­tive device enables the cus­tomiza­tion of ther­a­py reg­i­mens to meet the indi­vid­ual health con­di­tions and needs of patients, sig­nif­i­cant­ly dimin­ish­ing the need for con­tin­u­ous super­vi­sion and facil­i­tat­ing an increase in patient through­put. Impor­tant­ly, it intro­duces the capa­bil­i­ty for con­cur­rent ther­a­py ses­sions, allow­ing ther­a­pists to man­age mul­ti­ple patients simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, there­by opti­miz­ing their time and resources.

By lever­ag­ing the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, ther­a­pists can more effec­tive­ly admin­is­ter both indi­vid­u­al­ized and group ther­a­py ses­sions. This not only max­i­mizes the ther­a­peu­tic impact for patients but also improves the effi­cien­cy of care deliv­ery, ensur­ing ther­a­pists can extend their exper­tise across a broad­er patient base with­out com­pro­mis­ing the qual­i­ty of care.

Medical Device Class 2 USA Mecial Device Class 1 UK

Clas­si­fied as a Class 2 med­ical device, exempt from pre­mar­ket noti­fi­ca­tion under Prod­uct Code QKC.

Clas­si­fied as a Class 1 Med­ical Device, cer­ti­fied with the UKCA mark and rec­og­nized by the MHRA.

Exer­cis­ers /​ Year

Hos­pi­tals, Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ters, Prac­tices & Fitnessstudios

Func­tion­al Exercises

ful­ly-con­nect­ed reha­bil­i­ta­tion device

The 360° Pix­for­mance Con­cept is a ful­ly-con­nect­ed dig­i­tal solu­tion con­sist­ing of a sta­tion, an online plat­form and an app. Our par­tic­i­pa­to­ry ther­a­py con­cept accom­pa­nies patients dig­i­tal­ly and safe­ly through every movement.

Pixformance Station Live-Feedback

Good Prac­tice Exer­cise Guide

The exer­cise is demon­strat­ed by a vir­tu­al ther­a­pist on-screen with opti­mal move­ment sequence. The patient sees him­self on the screen while per­form­ing the exercise.


Depth Sen­sor For Move­ment Analysis

Dur­ing the exer­cise, a cam­era with built-in depth sen­sor scans 25 joint points of the exer­cis­er with­in sec­onds and com­pares them with the opti­mal motion sequence.


Feed­back In Real-Time

The patient receives indi­vid­u­al­ized feed­back that cov­ers indi­vid­ual aspects of move­ment exe­cu­tion. The feed­back is high­light­ed visu­al­ly and tex­tu­al­ly in the patient video in real-time.

Pixformance Station Live-Feedback

Dig­i­tal Ther­a­py Solutions

Pix­for­mance can be used in the small­est of spaces and offers pre­cise­ly fit­ting ther­a­py solu­tions. In addi­tion, the reha­bil­i­ta­tion device offers you a proven way to acti­vate and moti­vate your patients and to super­vise sev­er­al patients at the same time.

Pixformance Station Table
Training with Pixformance

Suc­cess Stories

Portait der Therapieleitung Gabriele Buchstein der Sauerlandklinik Hachen

Gabriele Buch­stein, Head Phys­io­ther­a­pist, Sauer­land­klinik Hachen, Germany

With over 450,000 exer­cis­ers world­wide, the Pix­for­mance train­ing and ther­a­py con­cept can already be found in Germany’s top reha­bil­i­ta­tion clin­ics, phys­io­ther­a­py prac­tices, and fit­ness stu­dios. Read our suc­cess sto­ries to dis­cov­er how and why Ms. Buch­stein from the “Sauer­land Spe­cial Clin­ic for MS” and many oth­er cus­tomers have inte­grat­ed the dig­i­tal move­ment ther­a­py from Pixformance.

Gabriele Buchstein Sauerlandklinik Hachen

» The patients are enthu­si­as­tic and very moti­vat­ed, which admit­ted­ly is not often the case. Of course, we as ther­a­pists also ben­e­fit from this, as the patients per­form their exer­cis­es bet­ter and more pur­pose­ful­ly as a result. In addi­tion, we save time, because after only 30 min­utes of instruc­tion, the patients can exer­cise inde­pen­dent­ly under supervision. «

Gabriele Buch­stein, Head Phys­io­ther­a­pist
Sauer­land­klinik Hachen | Neu­ro­log­i­cal Spe­cial Clin­ic for Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis, Germany

Christoph Schneider

» In search of a way to let patients become active on their own, we decid­ed on Pix­for­mance. The indi­vid­ual train­ing offer is ide­al here, as group ther­a­py, for exam­ple, is oth­er­wise too easy for some and too dif­fi­cult for oth­er patients. So every­one gets a com­plete­ly indi­vid­ual workout. «

Christoph Schnei­der, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
Nieder­rhein-Klinik | Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Clin­ic Korschen­broich, Germany

Christoph Oratsch, Physiotherapeut MSc AUVA Klagenfurt

» From the patient side, there is a great deal of inter­est and curios­i­ty about the Pix­for­mance sta­tions. Many even approach us by them­selves and want a train­ing pro­gram. We recent­ly pro­vid­ed tele-sup­port­ed sup­port for a young lady after shoul­der surgery using the Pix­for­mance app. She vis­its our clin­ic once a week – the rest of the ther­a­py she does at home. It’s a real­ly great option for patients who aren’t capa­ble of mov­ing around too much. «

Christoph Oratsch, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
AUVA Acci­dent Hos­pi­tal, Kla­gen­furt, Austria

» We are pleased to observe that our patients enjoy the exer­cise train­ing very much and per­se­vere. The play­ful com­po­nent of our dig­i­tal Pix­for­mance ther­a­py equip­ment cer­tain­ly plays a part in this – and when our patients for­get about the ill­ness for a moment and sim­ply have fun, that is extreme­ly valu­able. «

Gunter Hölig, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
Med­ical Park, Bad Rodach, Germany

Gabriele Buchstein Sauerlandklinik Hachen

» The patients are enthu­si­as­tic and very moti­vat­ed, which admit­ted­ly is not often the case. Of course, we as ther­a­pists also ben­e­fit from this, as the patients per­form their exer­cis­es bet­ter and more pur­pose­ful­ly as a result. In addi­tion, we save time, because after only 30 min­utes of instruc­tion, the patients can exer­cise inde­pen­dent­ly under supervision. «

Gabriele Buch­stein, Head Phys­io­ther­a­pist
Sauer­land­klinik Hachen | Neu­ro­log­i­cal Spe­cial Clin­ic for Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis, Germany

Christoph Schneider

» In search of a way to let patients become active on their own, we decid­ed on Pix­for­mance. The indi­vid­ual train­ing offer is ide­al here, as group ther­a­py, for exam­ple, is oth­er­wise too easy for some and too dif­fi­cult for oth­er patients. So every­one gets a com­plete­ly indi­vid­ual workout. «

Christoph Schnei­der, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
Nieder­rhein-Klinik | Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Clin­ic Korschen­broich, Germany

Christoph Oratsch, Physiotherapeut MSc AUVA Klagenfurt

» From the patient side, there is a great deal of inter­est and curios­i­ty about the Pix­for­mance sta­tions. Many even approach us by them­selves and want a train­ing pro­gram. We recent­ly pro­vid­ed tele-sup­port­ed sup­port for a young lady after shoul­der surgery using the Pix­for­mance app. She vis­its our clin­ic once a week – the rest of the ther­a­py she does at home. It’s a real­ly great option for patients who aren’t capa­ble of mov­ing around too much. «

Christoph Oratsch, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
AUVA Acci­dent Hos­pi­tal, Kla­gen­furt, Austria


» We are pleased to observe that our patients enjoy the exer­cise train­ing very much and per­se­vere. The play­ful com­po­nent of our dig­i­tal Pix­for­mance ther­a­py equip­ment cer­tain­ly plays a part in this – and when our patients for­get about the ill­ness for a moment and sim­ply have fun, that is extreme­ly valu­able. «

Gunter Hölig, Ther­a­py Direc­tor
Med­ical Park, Bad Rodach, Germany

Sched­ule a call or ask us a question

Your Contact Person

Your Con­tact Person

Ruth Green­berg | Direc­tor US

Sched­ule a call or ask us a question

Loved by patients – proven by therapists


Whether for inpa­tient stays, before or after surgery or inte­grat­ed phys­io­ther­a­py, the Pix­for­mance reha­bil­i­ta­tion device is suit­able for var­i­ous indi­ca­tions in every reha­bil­i­ta­tion phase and for every health condition.


Two women in front of the Pixformance Station


Med­ical Park, Bad Rodach, Germany

Pix­for­mance is already pro­vid­ing high­ly effec­tive sup­port to patients at the Med­ical Park reha­bil­i­ta­tion clin­ic, Bad Rodach, on their treat­ment journey.

Pix­for­mance In Ger­many’s Top Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Clinics

Pix­for­mance – known from the FOCUS Gesund­heit issue Dec./Jan. 2018/​19 – has been oper­at­ing in the best reha­bil­i­ta­tion clin­ics in Ger­many for years.

Research Stud­ies

Hochschule Fre­se­nius | Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences

Does the use of Pix­for­mance with the rec­om­mend­ed home­work pro­gram have a pos­i­tive effect on the walk­ing abil­i­ty of a patient with MS?

Hochschule Fre­se­nius | Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences

Influ­ence of a strength­en­ing pro­gram with visu­al feed­back on the con­di­tion of a patient with mus­cu­lar dys­tro­phy Emery trip­tych – a sin­gle case study

Hochschule Fre­se­nius | Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences

What effect does the use of Pix­for­mance have on bal­ance, walk­ing abil­i­ty and qual­i­ty of life in the treat­ment of patients with Parkinson‘s syndrome? 

Hochschule Fre­se­nius | Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences

Inves­ti­ga­tion of the effect of Pix­for­mance on the upper limb in a patient after Mamma-Ca

Ger­man Uni­ver­si­ty for Pre­ven­tion and Health Management

Empir­i­cal review of the train­ing effects of a stan­dard­ized train­ing pro­gram on the exam­ple Mrs.Sporty and Pixformance

Our Pow­er­ful Service

We do not sell reha­bil­i­ta­tion equip­ment, but an indi­vid­ual care offer. With our com­pe­tent team, you have the right expert for motion analy­sis to make your dai­ly clin­ic rou­tine even more efficient.

Per­son­al Con­sult­ing And Training

We give you indi­vid­ual advice, start­ing with the plan­ning of the rooms, through the instal­la­tion of the nec­es­sary equip­ment or the opti­mal ther­a­py con­trol. To make it as easy as pos­si­ble for you to get start­ed, you and your ther­a­pists will receive per­son­al train­ing on how to use the Pix­for­mance Station.

Hard- And Soft­ware Support

If hard­ware prob­lems occur (cam­era, sen­sor, com­put­er or screen), we will pro­vide you with the spare parts. Also in case of soft­ware prob­lems our sup­port team is always there for you by phone. By the way, auto­mat­ic updates for the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, new work­outs, but also updates on the Pix­for­mance online plat­form are part of our ser­vice and are avail­able to you free of charge.

Com­plete 360° Mar­ket­ing Package

We sup­port you with a mar­ket­ing pack­age tai­lored to your needs to enable a smooth intro­duc­tion of Pix­for­mance to your staff and patients. As our cus­tomer, you get exclu­sive access to our Pix­for­mance mar­ket­ing pack­age for print and web, with free down­loads and much more. Per­son­al­ize your mate­ri­als with logo, open­ing hours as well as address and choose from dif­fer­ent motifs.


Whether pur­chas­ing or leas­ing, you can struc­ture the financ­ing indi­vid­u­al­ly. We will advise and sup­port you right from the start. Call us with­out oblig­a­tion or write to us and find out about your options, how you can start with Pix­for­mance already with 199 Euros per month.

FAQ | Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about our train­ing concept.

Two women in front of the Pixformance Station

Pix­for­mance is a part­ner in the Euro­pean research project FORTEe

Spe­cial­ly adapt­ed exer­cise train­ing at the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion has already achieved pos­i­tive effects in adult can­cer patients in the con­text of a study in the past. How­ev­er, these effects have not yet been clear­ly demon­strat­ed in chil­dren and ado­les­cents. This is where FOR­TEe comes in, pro­mot­ing an exer­cise ther­a­py designed to strength­en young patients for the fight against child­hood cancer.