Exclu­sive­ly for Com­pa­nies

Apply for our tri­al pro­gramme now!

Sup­port your ther­a­pists in their dai­ly work with patients:

  • Super­vised train­ing of one or more patients at the same time, through patent­ed technology
  • Con­tin­u­ous guid­ance regard­ing the accu­ra­cy, speed as well as pre­ci­sion of an exer­cise execution
  • Dig­i­tal real-time cor­rec­tion pro­motes an effi­cient and sus­tain­able ther­a­py process
Training with real-time motion feedback

Heike Schaible

» I want to estab­lish a sec­ond self-pay area with Pix­for­mance and thus, above all, accom­mo­date my employ­ees and offer them more acces­si­ble and more var­ied work. «

Heike Schaible, Own­er
Phys­io­ther­a­py Prac­tice “Raum für Gesund­heit“, Germany


Axel André Richter

» I can design the new train­ing com­plete­ly indi­vid­u­al­ly for each of our patients. From com­pet­i­tive ath­letes to grannies, there’s some­thing for every­one. If a ther­a­pist is ever down, it’s easy to offer that as a back­up and com­pen­sate with Pixformance. «

Axel-André Richter, Own­er
Health Prac­tice Richter & Lopez, Germany


Swetlana Zimmermann

» We want­ed a holis­tic train­ing device that can cov­er as many mus­cle groups and move­ment pat­terns as pos­si­ble in sports ther­a­py. Espe­cial­ly the flex­i­bil­i­ty, which you get through the dig­i­tal train­ing con­cept, was a cru­cial point for us. «

Swet­lana Zim­mer­mann & Claas Bicke­böller, Phys­io­ther­a­pist & Own­er
Schloss­physio Win­terthur, Switzerland



» Tar­get­ed health train­ing with the vir­tu­al train­er increas­es treat­ment effi­cien­cy and cre­ates more time for the actu­al care of my patients. «

Volk­er Sutor, Own­er Phys­io­ther­a­py Cen­ters »Reha Ron­dell«, Germany



» If a patient can for­get about the dis­ease for a moment and have fun, that is also valuable. «

Gunter Hölig, Head of Ther­a­py Med­ical Park, Bad Rodach, Germany

» Indi­vid­ual train­ing plans are cre­at­ed very quick­ly. My clients feel well tak­en care of and start work­ing independently. «

Rafael Pilch, Own­er “medicore“ Prac­tice for Physiotherapy

Pixformance 360 Grad Konzept, Pixformance Station, Pixformance Online Plattform, Pixformance App

The ful­ly con­nect­ed 360°-Pixformance train­ing and ther­a­py con­cept offers a sen­si­ble and con­tem­po­rary addi­tion to relieve phys­io­ther­a­pists in their care and gen­er­ate more turnover in the long term through increased care options. Order your tri­al today and find out if the con­cept fits your facility!