Suc­cess Sto­ry: Strength Train­ing for Seniors in a Seat­ed Position

More Move­ment in Wheel­chairs Thanks to Dig­i­tal Support


Per­son­al­ized Train­ing for All Ages and Fit­ness Levels

For me, it was clear: I want to stay active.” With this strong mind­set, Hel­ga, 84, embarked on a new chap­ter of her life in 2021. Now in a wheel­chair, she does­n’t let that stop her from reg­u­lar­ly vis­it­ing the gym with her daugh­ter. Thanks to dig­i­tal sup­port from the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, she can dili­gent­ly per­form her exer­cis­es even while seated.

I have to say, it’s won­der­ful. What makes me hap­pi­est is being able to move again. When my leg was ampu­tat­ed, I imme­di­ate­ly said there must be some­thing that allowed me to stay active on my own. Just sit­ting alone in the apart­ment — that’s not for me.”

In con­ver­sa­tion, she shared that she feels fit after Pix­for­mance train­ing. The exer­cis­es with the stick are her favorites. Box­ing can be exhaust­ing, but “some­times I’m too slow and don’t hit the cir­cles in time. But there has to be a chal­lenge. It can’t always be just fun.”

Erfolgsgeschichte: Krafttraining für Senioren im Sitzen - Mehr Bewegung im Rollstuhl dank digitaler Unterstützung

Hel­ga, 84, is in a wheel­chair and is hap­py to still be able to train and inte­grate move­ment into her dai­ly life.

Inte­grat­ing Move­ment into Dai­ly Life with Per­son­al­ized Dig­i­tal Training

Hel­ga can effort­less­ly per­form her exer­cis­es at the dig­i­tal train­ing sta­tion while seat­ed, as the sta­tion rec­og­nizes the user and ana­lyzes their move­ments. It does­n’t mat­ter how tall or short the per­son is, or whether they are doing the exer­cise sit­ting or stand­ing. The dig­i­tal feed­back she receives in real-time dur­ing her train­ing, dis­played on the screen, helps and moti­vates her to per­form the exer­cis­es dili­gent­ly. The sum­ma­ry of train­ing results at the end of each ses­sion is par­tic­u­lar­ly moti­vat­ing: “I always pay atten­tion to this. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m rarely below 60% and often at 100%.”

In her dai­ly life, she already notices improve­ments from her reg­u­lar train­ing. She can stand up from her wheel­chair on her own and trans­fer to the sofa or car. On good days, she even man­ages to walk up the stairs with­out assis­tance. “Even though I have a hand­i­cap, I don’t have to just sit in the apart­ment. That’s why I go to the gym and say: Here I am. Then I do some­thing for myself. And then the day is worth it.”

100 New Exer­cis­es: Includ­ing Seat­ed Options for Spe­cial Needs

Erfolgsgeschichte: Krafttraining für Senioren im Sitzen - Mehr Bewegung im Rollstuhl dank digitaler Unterstützung

At Pix­for­mance, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant to us that our dig­i­tal train­ing con­cept pro­vides the per­fect train­ing for every patient, mem­ber, and trainee. That’s why we have devel­oped around 100 new exer­cis­es. This allows train­ing to be even more tai­lored to the needs of patients and trainees. Among the new exer­cis­es are sev­er­al seat­ed exer­cis­es, for exam­ple, for peo­ple in wheel­chairs like Hel­ga. This enables the cre­ation, track­ing, and fact-based opti­miza­tion of per­son­al­ized train­ing plans from a ver­sa­tile selec­tion of over 400 func­tion­al exercises.

Strength train­ing for seniors in a seat­ed posi­tion with dig­i­tal sup­port can thus be made even more var­ied. Addi­tion­al­ly, these exer­cis­es are applic­a­ble not only in fit­ness stu­dios but also in phys­io­ther­a­py, reha­bil­i­ta­tion, clin­ics, and, of course, nurs­ing homes for every indi­vid­ual train­ing and health condition.

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