Qual­i­ty improve­ment through dig­i­tal train­ing therapy

AUVA Acci­dent Hos­pi­tal in Kla­gen­furt at WÖRTHERSEE

Dig­i­tal pio­neer of the AUVA Group: Mod­ern train­ing ther­a­py at Unfal­lkranken­haus Klagenfurt

As the home of the Gen­er­al Acci­dent Insur­ance Insti­tu­tion (AUVA), Unfal­lkranken­haus Kla­gen­furt at Wörthersee (UKH) belongs to the group of nine acci­dent hos­pi­tals oper­at­ed by AUVA. AUVA is an insti­tu­tion of Aus­tri­an social insur­ance and part of statu­to­ry acci­dent insur­ance. Accord­ing to ther­a­py man­ag­er Christoph Oratsch, UKH is a small but mod­ern and pro­gres­sive hos­pi­tal with inpa­tient and out­pa­tient care options.

Phys­io­ther­a­py rep­re­sents an essen­tial pil­lar of the clin­ic on Lake Wörthersee. The var­i­ous areas of phys­io­ther­a­py appli­ca­tion help patients improve, restore or main­tain their abil­i­ty to move and func­tion. In this way, com­plaints can be reduced. Phys­io­ther­a­py serves as a sen­si­ble alter­na­tive or sup­ple­ment to sur­gi­cal or drug treatment.

Christoph Oratsch

Christoph Oratsch

Head of Ther­a­py, AUVA Acci­dent Hos­pi­tal Klagenfurt

Pix­for­mance gives us huge time sav­ings. We can more eas­i­ly care for more patients, with the same staff resource.”

Patients exercise at the Pixformance Station
Patient trains at the Pixformance station

Logo Sauerlandklinik Hachen



Clin­ic Profile
Loca­tion Kla­gen­furt, Austria
Found­ed 1953
Main Focus Trau­ma surgery, orthopedics
Patient Capac­i­ty 100 beds
Ther­a­py Direction Christoph Oratsch
More Info www​.ukhk​la​gen​furt​.at


The head of ther­a­py at UKH has been inter­est­ed in the var­i­ous dig­i­tal options in phys­io­ther­a­py for some time. In con­ver­sa­tion with us, he said:

Dig­i­ti­za­tion is often a top­ic of dis­cus­sion among col­leagues as well, but the final step towards imple­men­ta­tion is often still miss­ing. With the acqui­si­tion of the Pix­for­mance sta­tions last year, we at AUVA are now the first house with a dig­i­tal prod­uct in ther­a­py and are tak­ing on a pio­neer­ing role. Of course, we are very proud of that.” 

Oratsch does not see this step toward dig­i­tal­iza­tion as a change but rather as an addi­tion­al offer­ing and thus an increase in qual­i­ty for ther­a­py. Before invest­ing, the ther­a­py man­ag­er and his team took part in a 6‑month tri­al to get a pre­cise pic­ture of the pos­si­bil­i­ties with Pix­for­mance. In the end, they decid­ed on four Pix­for­mance sta­tions. These are placed next to each oth­er in a group ther­a­py room and are pri­mar­i­ly used in phys­io­ther­a­py and indi­vid­ual cas­es for occu­pa­tion­al therapy.

Demand­ing patient auton­o­my the dig­i­tal way

Pix­for­mance sta­tions are used in both indi­vid­ual and group ther­a­py. When the patient is admit­ted, it is first checked whether this type of train­ing ther­a­py with Pix­for­mance is pos­si­ble. This involves look­ing to see if the load and move­ment spec­i­fi­ca­tions are avail­able from the sur­gi­cal site. If this is not the case, the patient is first giv­en defin­i­tive indi­vid­ual therapy.

How­ev­er, if the patient meets the spec­i­fi­ca­tions, an indi­vid­ual train­ing pro­gram is devel­oped. This pro­gram is cre­at­ed and saved on the online plat­form with just a few clicks and can then be test­ed on the ward. The first train­ing ses­sion takes place under ther­a­peu­tic super­vi­sion. This ensures that the patient can clar­i­fy open ques­tions about the sta­tion or the exer­cis­es and that the qual­i­ty and set­tings of the exer­cis­es are rechecked. If every­thing fits, the patients can then train on their own in front of the station.

Pix­for­mance is a super sup­port for us to car­ry out the clas­sic home exer­cise pro­gram in a more tar­get­ed way. We have bet­ter train­ing plan­ning because the exer­cis­es can be set indi­vid­u­al­ly with the rep­e­ti­tions, dif­fi­cul­ty lev­els, run­ning time, etc., so that the patients do exact­ly what the ther­a­pist wants. In addi­tion, the guid­ance pro­vid­ed by the short videos on the sta­tions helps them immense­ly with exer­cise performance.”

In addi­tion, the exer­cis­es are var­ied and go far beyond clas­sic strength train­ing, the ther­a­py man­ag­er reports further.

If you only print out exer­cis­es, patients often resist doing chal­leng­ing exer­cis­es that are essen­tial for the suc­cess of the ther­a­py and put them on the back burn­er or skip them,” says Oratsch. Thanks to the vir­tu­al train­er’s guid­ance, patients are moti­vat­ed to always per­form their exer­cis­es cor­rect­ly and clean­ly. In this way, the patients’ inde­pen­dence is chal­lenged, which in turn has a pos­i­tive effect on the long-term suc­cess of the therapy.

Patients exercise at the Pixformance Station
Patients exercise at the Pixformance Station

Inten­sive patient care even beyond the hos­pi­tal stay

In addi­tion to on-site train­ing in Kla­gen­furt, the Pix­for­mance app is rec­om­mend­ed to every patient. This is used pri­mar­i­ly in the out­pa­tient set­ting to con­sol­i­date the train­ing ther­a­py at home and sup­port patients over the longer term. 

Oratsch gives us an exam­ple of a young eleven-year-old patient whose fam­i­ly a COVID infec­tion occurred dur­ing his ther­a­py. Due to this, he was unable to come to the clin­ic for four weeks. Through the Pix­for­mance app, he was still able to receive fur­ther guid­ance. Upon his return, sig­nif­i­cant progress was evi­dent. Thanks to the app and the short videos of the exer­cis­es dis­played there, there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty of guid­ance that would not be pos­si­ble only via tele­phone, as Christoph Oratsch confirms.

He is hap­py about the sup­port of the app:

Just recent­ly, we accom­pa­nied a young lady tele-sup­port­ed with the help of the Pix­for­mance app after a shoul­der oper­a­tion. She then comes to the clin­ic once a week and does the rest of the ther­a­py at home. That’s a great option for patients who are not so mobile.”

In gen­er­al, the feed­back from patients is very pos­i­tive, inter­est­ed, and curi­ous about dig­i­tal train­ing ther­a­py. The ther­a­py man­ag­er even tells us about patients who request a train­ing pro­gram of their own accord. In addi­tion to the ben­e­fits for the patients, the ther­a­pists at UKH can also ben­e­fit from the dig­i­tal sup­port: “Pix­for­mance saves us an enor­mous amount of time. We can care for more patients more eas­i­ly, with the same per­son­nel resources,” says Christoph Oratsch. He also prais­es the incred­i­ble cus­tomiz­abil­i­ty of the Pix­for­mance exer­cis­es. This means that the right train­ing pro­gram can be offered for all patients — from 18 to 75 years old and from cru­ci­ate lig­a­ment tears to shoul­der injuries.

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