phys­io­ther­a­py & fit­ness hygiene concept


COVID-19 con­tin­ues to restrict the health and fit­ness indus­try. Prac­tices and stu­dios were closed, and patients and mem­bers did not come for ther­a­py or train­ing due to con­cerns about infec­tion. Imple­ment­ing hygiene con­cepts result­ed in mas­sive orga­ni­za­tion­al effort and stress:

Addi­tion­al time for dis­in­fec­tion and the new sched­ul­ing of patients and mem­bers were only two aspects here. Nev­er before have phys­io­ther­a­pists and gym own­ers had to be so flex­i­ble. The con­stant­ly chang­ing sit­u­a­tion often demand­ed alter­na­tive train­ing or ther­a­py methods.


Our dig­i­tal Pix­for­mance train­ing and ther­a­py con­cept has proven its worth to our cus­tomers, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Pix­for­mance not only sup­ports ther­a­pists in ther­a­py and offers patients and mem­bers a par­tic­u­lar­ly moti­vat­ing train­ing expe­ri­ence, but also pro­vides a safe hygiene concept.

Christoph Schneider

Christoph Schnei­der, Head of Ther­a­py at Nieder­rhein­klinik Korschen­broich, Germany

“With the QR code cards, the patients can train hygien­i­cal­ly, and the equip­ment is also quick­ly dis­in­fect­ed. The Pix­for­mance sta­tion is uncom­pli­cat­ed, and I can instruct three patients at the same time. That works out great and saves us a much time.”

With the QR code cards, the patients can train hygien­i­cal­ly, and the equip­ment is also quick­ly dis­in­fect­ed. The Pix­for­mance sta­tion is uncom­pli­cat­ed, and I can instruct three patients at the same time. That works out great and saves us much time.”

Despite the Coro­na-relat­ed mea­sures such as manda­to­ry masks, hand dis­in­fec­tion, or restric­tions on vis­its, our patients can con­tin­ue their ther­a­py with Pix­for­mance with­out any prob­lems. They can keep safe­ty dis­tance, and they receive the exer­cise instruc­tions from the ward, so we ther­a­pists can also keep our distance.”

Gabriele Buchstein Sauerlandklinik Hachen

Gabriele Buch­stein, Head Phys­io­ther­a­pist at the Sauer­land­klinik Hachen, Germany

Gabriele Buchstein Sauerlandklinik Hachen

Gabriele Buch­stein, Head Phys­io­ther­a­pist at the Sauer­land­klinik Hachen, Germany

Despite the Coro­na-relat­ed mea­sures such as manda­to­ry masks, hand dis­in­fec­tion, or restric­tions on vis­its, our patients can con­tin­ue their ther­a­py with Pix­for­mance with­out any prob­lems. They can keep safe­ty dis­tance, and they receive the exer­cise instruc­tions from the ward, so we ther­a­pists can also keep our distance.”

Axel André Richter

Axel-André Richter, Own­er of the Health Prac­tice Richter & Lopez, Mönchenglad­bach, Germany

Now, in times of the pan­dem­ic, the offer via the Pix­for­mance app is also very pro­fes­sion­al. It’s been very well received by the patients we’ve shown it to — and it has the advan­tage that if they can’t or don’t want to come to the prac­tice, they can eas­i­ly access their exer­cis­es at home.”

Now, in times of the pan­dem­ic, the offer via the Pix­for­mance app is also very pro­fes­sion­al. It’s been very well received by the patients we’ve shown it to — and it has the advan­tage that if they can’t or don’t want to come to the prac­tice, they can eas­i­ly access their exer­cis­es at home.”

train safe­ly with our hygiene concept

train safe­ly with our hygiene concept


Hel­lo Hand Hygiene:

Con­tact­less Start Of Training

Your patients or mem­bers receive a per­son­al QR code card with an indi­vid­ual train­ing plan. To start a train­ing ses­sion at the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion, the user scans the QR code via cam­era. Voilá: The first exer­cise already start­ed – with­out hav­ing to touch the sta­tion! Infec­tion via con­tact sur­faces is thus ruled out. If the touch­screen needs to be han­dled, the robust glass sur­face can be cleaned quick­ly and easily.

Contactless training start Pixformance QR code card
Two trainees train with a safe distance at the Pixformance Station


Min­i­mize Infection –

By Keep­ing Safe Distance

The dis­tance between the Pix­for­mance sta­tions should be at least 1.5 to 2 meters. The length ensures a safe dis­tance between the trainees dur­ing the pan­dem­ic and pro­vides suf­fi­cient space for the exer­cise to be per­formed. To avoid infec­tion, we addi­tion­al­ly rec­om­mend wear­ing a mask dur­ing training.

Two trainees train with a safe distance at the Pixformance Station


Lock­down, Quarantine?

Train At Home With The App

Patients need reg­u­lar treat­ment. After all, the com­plaints don’t get bet­ter if you don’t treat them. Many patients have prob­lems again and that’s why they call.” If your mem­bers or patients can’t train on-site for var­i­ous rea­sons, they don’t have to skip their work­out. They can eas­i­ly retrieve their com­plete train­ing via the Pix­for­mance app and con­tin­ue train­ing at home until they can be back on-site at the Pix­for­mance sta­tion. This is advan­ta­geous in the event of a lock­down, for exam­ple, or if a quar­an­tine has to be observed.

Woman looks at the Pixformance app

Why Pix­for­mance Convinces

✓ Intu­itive operation

✓ Already pre-pro­grammed dig­i­tized exer­cise selection

COVID-19 com­pli­ant hygiene concept

✓ Sim­ple ther­a­py documentation

✓ No exper­tise in han­dling soft­ware and hard­ware necessary

✓ Set­ting up an indi­vid­ual treat­ment plan in just a few minutes

✓ Fast eval­u­a­tion of ther­a­py measures

✓ Con­tact­less and with­out addi­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion­al effort

Easy Entry Into Dig­i­ti­za­tion

✓ Wor­ries about infec­tion are minimized

✓ Con­tin­u­ous care of patients with­out addi­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion­al effort

✓ Easy entry with­out com­plex restruc­tur­ing of exist­ing process­es and structures

✓ Com­pli­ance with hygiene reg­u­la­tions with­out addi­tion­al workload

✓ Mak­ing full use of treat­ment capac­i­ty utilization

✓ Moti­vate patients and offer a safe and inno­v­a­tive ther­a­py experience

✓ Pro­tect­ing patients and employees

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Tobias Baad­er | COO

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Ruth Green­berg
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